Philip Cadoux ITP Blog

CAD For Virtual and Reality Week 04

March 04, 2021

Connector Assignment

For my connector assignment, I really really did not want to make a box with two threads in it. I was struggling to come up with an idea when my friend sent me one of my favorite videos.

Here is what I made to represent the crabs in that video:

Final Output

Here is the sketch. As you can see, it is just a couple of paths and lines. sketch

The majority of the design comes from actually sweeping the paths, then lofting to offset planes. You can see the timeline here:

Timeline for Connector

I chose not to add fillets, but I am not 100% confident in that decision. I tried them and they needed to be tight so they wouldn’t create an impossible object. Sometimes it looked good and other times not so much, so I left it as is.

McMaster Carr Component

For some reason, I am enjoying designing lamps and lights right now. I don’t think they’re all that compelling or interesting yet (the last one was pretty much a glorified google home now that I look), but I want to get better at it.

Here is my final output, with some screenshots of the individual components. I used a “Lamp” Component, with other child components for the whole project. Made working a lot easier and more effective. Probs won’t do much more body modeling like we have been.

lamp Full

lamp base

lamp rod

lamp light


The component I used here is the Zinc-Plated Steel Ring-Grip Quick-Release Pin. I chose this piece because I thought it could be a cool mechanism to turn on and off the lamp. I’d probably create some sort of stopper for it so it never comes out.

I implemented it by creating a hole in the rod, stretching it long enough, then aligning the component to the hole (but then I had to rotate it too).

McMaster Component

Written by Philip Cadoux, current ITP student and Creative Technologist. Follow me on Instagram